Vehicle Damage

What are the different types of vehicle damage?

Damaged vehicles range from very minor scrapes to heavy damaged rollover, burns and scrap. Copart sorts then into searchable categories.

Normal Wear:

This vehicle only has the very minor damage all cars pick up just by being driven around.

Minor Dents & Scratches: 

This vehicle has minor damage like scratches on the paint, or a few dents from a hailstorm or a parking lot collision. These vehicles require only minor repairs, and only if the driver minds the nicks and scrapes.

Minor to Heavy Damage: 

The car has sustained noticeable damage like a collision and is either salvage titled or will require a lot of work to fix. Subcategories of this damage type include Front End, Rear End, Side and All Over. It also includes:


Parts have been stripped off this vehicle. This could include wheels, tires, doors, mirrors, hood, trunk and other easily removed parts.

Water/Flood Damage:

Some portion of this vehicle was submerged in water. This can be a little as rising just enough to get the floorboards wet to completely submerging the vehicle. In many cases, Copart will treat these cars to extract water and attempt to prevent mold, fungus and bad odors. These include vehicles recovered from severe weather events like hurricanes.

Burn Damage:

This vehicle has been damaged by some form of fire.

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